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Number Sense, Concepts, and OperationsBenchmark MA.A.1.2.1: The student names whole numbers combining 3-digit numeration (hundreds, tens, ones) and the use of number periods, such as ones, thousands, and millions and associates verbal names, written word names, and standard numerals with whole numbers, commonly used fractions, decimals, and percents. 1. Reads, writes, and identifies whole numbers, fractions, and mixed numbers. (Fraction Pictures ) 2. Reads, writes, and identifies decimals through thousandths. (Decimal Place Value ) 3. Reads, writes, and identifies common percents including 10%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 75% , 80%, 90%, and 100%. (Percentage Pictures ) Benchmark MA.A.1.2.2: The student understands the relative size of whole numbers, commonly used fractions, decimals, and percents. 1. Uses symbols (>, <, =) to compare numbers in the same and different forms such as 0.5 < 3/4. (Number Comparison , Order Numbers , Order Large Numbers , Compare Mixed Values ) 2. Compares and orders whole numbers using concrete materials, number lines, drawings, and numerals. (Order Numbers , Order Large Numbers ) 3. Compares and orders commonly used fractions, percents, and decimals to thousandths using concrete materials, number lines, drawings, and numerals. (Order Decimals , Compare Mixed Values , Positive Number Line , Fraction Comparison , Compare Decimals ) 4. Locates whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals on the same number line. (Positive Number Line ) Benchmark MA.A.1.2.3: The student understands concrete and symbolic representations of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents in real-world situations. 1. Translates problem situations into diagrams, models, and numerals using whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and percents. Benchmark MA.A.1.2.4: The student understands that numbers can be represented in a variety of equivalent forms using whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and percents. 1. Knows that numbers in different forms are equivalent or nonequivalent, using whole numbers, decimals, fractions, mixed numbers, and percents. (Basic Fraction Simplification , Fraction Simplification , Fractions to Decimals , Decimals To Fractions , Percentages , Percentage Pictures ) Benchmark MA.A.2.2.1: The student uses place-value concepts of grouping based upon powers of ten (thousandths, hundredths, tenths, ones, tens, hundreds, thousands) within the decimal number system. 1. Knows that place value relates to powers of 10. 2. Expresses numbers to millions or more in expanded form using powers of ten, with or without exponential notation. Benchmark MA.A.2.2.2: The student recognizes and compares the decimal number system to the structure of other number systems such as the Roman numeral system or bases other than ten. 1. Explains the similarities and differences between the decimal (base 10) number system and other number systems that do or do not use place value. Benchmark MA.A.3.2.1: The student understands and explains the effects of addition, subtraction, and multiplication on whole numbers, decimals, and fractions, including mixed numbers, and the effects of division on whole numbers, including the inverse relationship of multiplication and division. 1. Explains and demonstrates the multiplication of common fractions using concrete materials, drawings, story problems, symbols, and algorithms. (Fraction Multiplication ) 2. Explains and demonstrates the multiplication of decimals to hundredths using concrete materials, drawings, story problems, symbols, and algorithms. (Money Multiplication ) 3. Predicts the relative size of solutions in the following: a. addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers b. addition, subtraction, and multiplication of fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers, with particular attention given to fraction and decimal multiplication (for example, when two numbers less than one are multiplied, the result is a number less than either factor) 4. Explains and demonstrates the inverse nature of multiplication and division, with particular attention to multiplication by a fraction (for example, multiplying by 3/4 yields the same result as dividing by 4). (Fraction Division ) 5. Explains and demonstrates the commutative, associative, and distributive properties of multiplication. (Associative Property 2 , Commutative Property 2 , Distributive Property , Basic Distributive Property ) Benchmark MA.A.3.2.2: The student selects the appropriate operation to solve specific problems involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions, and division of whole numbers. 1. Uses problem-solving strategies to determine the operation(s) needed to solve one- and two- step problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, and addition, subtraction, and multiplication of decimals and fractions. (Multiplication By One Digit , Long Multiplication , Long Division By One Digit , Long Division , Division with Remainders , Long Division with Remainders , Small Decimal Division , Fraction Addition , Fraction Subtraction , Fraction Multiplication , Decimal Addition , Decimal Subtraction , Decimal Multiplication ) Benchmark MA.A.3.2.3: The student adds, subtracts, and multiplies whole numbers, decimals, and fractions, including mixed numbers, and divides whole numbers to solve real-world problems, using appropriate methods of computing, such as mental mathematics, paper and pencil, and calculator. 1. Solves real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, and addition, subtraction, and multiplication of decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers using an appropriate method (for example, mental math, pencil and paper, calculator). (Arithmetic Word Problems , Basic Word Problems 2 , Making Change , Making Change 2 , Money Multiplication , Counting Money , Unit Cost , Fraction Word Problems , Fraction Word Problems 2 ) Benchmark MA.A.4.2.1: The student uses and justifies different estimation strategies in a real- world problem situation and determines the reasonableness of results of calculations in a given problem situation. 1. Chooses, describes, and explains estimation strategies used to determine the reasonableness of solutions to real-world problems. (Rounding Numbers , Money Addition , Money Subtraction , Estimated Multiplication , Estimated Division , Estimated Multiply Divide Word Problems ) 2. Estimates quantities of objects to 1000 or more and justifies and explains the reasoning for the estimate (for example, using benchmark numbers, unitizing). Benchmark MA.A.5.2.1: The student understands and applies basic number theory concepts, including primes, composites, factors, and multiples. 1. Finds factors of numbers to 100 to determine if they are prime or composite. (Prime Numbers , Factoring ) 2. Expresses a whole number as a product of its prime factors. (Prime Factoring ) 3. Determines the greatest common factor of two numbers. (Greatest Common Factor ) 4. Determines the least common multiple of two numbers up to 100 or more. (Least Common Multiple ) 5. Multiplies by powers of 10 (100, 1,000, and 10,000) demonstrating patterns. (Multiply By Multiples Of 10 ) 6. Identifies and applies rules of divisibility for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10. (Divisibility Rules ) 7. Uses models to identify perfect squares to 144. (Perfect Squares ) MeasurementBenchmark MA.B.1.2.1: The student uses concrete and graphic models to develop procedures for solving problems related to measurement including length, weight, time, temperature, perimeter, area, volume, and angle. 1. Knows measurement concepts and can use oral and written language to communicate them. 2. Extends conceptual experiences into patterns to develop formulas for determining perimeter, area, and volume. 3. Knows varied units of time that include centuries and seconds. 4. Classifies angle measures as acute, obtuse, right, or straight. 5. Investigates measures of circumference using concrete materials (for example, uses string or measuring tape to measure the circumference of cans or bottles). (Requires outside materials ) Benchmark MA.B.1.2.2: The student solves real-world problems involving length, weight, perimeter, area, capacity, volume, time, temperature, and angles. 1. Solves real-world problems involving measurement of the following: a. length (for example, eighth-inch, kilometer, mile) b. weight or mass (for example, milligram, ton) c. temperature (comparing temperature changes within the same scale using either a Fahrenheit or a Celsius thermometer) d. angles (acute, obtuse, straight) 2. Solves real-world problems involving perimeter, area, capacity, and volume using concrete, graphic or pictorial models. 3. Uses schedules, calendars, and elapsed time to solve real-world problems. Benchmark MA.B.2.2.1: The student uses direct (measured) and indirect (not measured) measures to calculate and compare measurable characteristics. 1. Finds the length or height of "hard-to-reach" objects by using the measure of a portion of the objects (for example, find the height of a room or building by finding the height of one block or floor and multiplying by the number of blocks or floors). 2. Uses customary and metric units to compare length, weight or mass, and capacity or volume. 3. Uses multiplication and division to convert units of measure within the customary or metric system. (Distance Conversion , Time Conversion , Volume Conversion , Weight Conversion , Temperature Conversion ) Benchmark MA.B.2.2.2: The student selects and uses appropriate standard and nonstandard units of measurement, according to type and size. 1. Knows an appropriate unit of measure to determine the dimension(s) of a given object (for example, standard - student chooses feet or yards instead of inches to measure a room; nonstandard - student chooses a length of yarn instead of a pencil to measure a room). 2. Knows an appropriate unit of measure (standard or nonstandard) to measure weight, mass, and capacity. Benchmark MA.B.3.2.1: The student solves real-world problems involving estimates of measurements, including length, time, weight, temperature, money, perimeter, area, and volume. 1. Knows how to determine whether an accurate or estimated measurement is needed for a solution. 2. Solves real-world problems involving estimated measurements, including the following: a. length to nearest quarter-inch, centimeter b. weight to nearest ounce, gram c. time to nearest one-minute interval d. temperature to nearest five-degree interval e. money to nearest $1.00 3. Knows how to estimate the area and perimeter of regular and irregular polygons. 4. Knows how to estimate the volume of a rectangular prism. Benchmark MA.B.4.2.1: The student determines which units of measurement, such as seconds, square inches, dollars per tankful, to use with answers to real-world problems. 1. Selects an appropriate measurement unit for labeling the solution to real-world problems. (Unit Cost , Perimeter and Area Word Problems ) Benchmark MA.B.4.2.2: The student selects and uses appropriate instruments and technology, including scales, rulers, thermometers, measuring cups, protractors, and gauges, to measure in real-world situations. 1. Selects and uses the appropriate tool for situational measures (for example, measuring sticks, scales and balances, thermometer, measuring cups, gauges, protractors). Geometry and Spatial SenseBenchmark MA.C.1.2.1: The student given a verbal description, draws and/or models two- and three-dimensional shapes and uses appropriate geometric vocabulary to write a description of a figure or a picture composed of geometric figures. 1. Uses appropriate geometric vocabulary to describe properties and attributes of two- and three- dimensional figures (for example, obtuse and acute angles; radius; equilateral, scalene, and isosceles triangles.). (Circle Measurements , Triangle Types ) 2. Draws and classifies two-dimensional figures having up to ten or more sides and three- dimensional figures (for example, cubes, rectangular prisms, pyramids). (Polygon Names ) 3. Knows the characteristics of and relationships among points, lines, line segments, rays, and planes. Benchmark MA.C.2.2.1: The student understands the concepts of spatial relationships, symmetry, reflections, congruency, and similarity. 1. Uses manipulatives to solve problems requiring spatial visualization. 2. Knows symmetry, congruency, and reflections in geometric figures. 3. Knows how to justify that two figures are similar or congruent. (Congruent And Similar Triangles ) Benchmark MA.C.2.2.2: The student predicts, illustrates, and verifies which figures could result from a flip, slide, or turn of a given figure. 1. Identifies and performs flips, slides, and turns given angle (90°, 180°, 270°) and direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) of turn. 2. Knows the effect of a flip, slide or turn (90°, 180°, 270°) on a geometric figure. 3. Explores tessellations. Benchmark MA.C.3.2.1: The student represents and applies a variety of strategies and geometric properties and formulas for two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve real-world and mathematical problems. 1. Compares the concepts of area, perimeter, and volume using concrete materials (for example, geoboards, grid paper) and real-world situations (for example, tiling a floor, bordering a room, packing a box). 2. Applies the concepts of area, perimeter, and volume to solve real-world and mathematical problems using student-developed formulas. (Perimeter and Area Word Problems ) 3. Knows how area and perimeter are affected when geometric figures are combined, rearranged, enlarged, or reduced (for example, What happens to the area of a square when the sides are doubled?). (Area And Volume Proportions ) Benchmark MA.C.3.2.2: The student identifies and plots positive ordered pairs (whole numbers) in a rectangular coordinate system (graph). 1. Knows how to identify, locate, and plot ordered pairs of whole numbers on a graph or on the first quadrant of a coordinate system. (Ordered Pairs ) Algebraic ThinkingBenchmark MA.D.1.2.1: The student describes a wide variety of patterns and relationships through models, such as manipulatives, tables, graphs, rules using algebraic symbols. 1. Describes, extends, creates, predicts, and generalizes numerical and geometric patterns using a variety of models (for example, lists, tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, calendar math). 2. Poses and solves problems by identifying a predictable visual or numerical pattern such as: Day 1 2 3 4...n Number of Calls 4 7 10 ? ? (Patterns: Numbers , Patterns: Shapes ) 3. Explains and expresses numerical relationships and pattern generalizations, using algebraic symbols (for example, in the problem above, the number of calls on the nth day can be expressed as 3n+1). (Function Tables , Function Tables 2 ) Benchmark MA.D.1.2.2: The student generalizes a pattern, relation, or function to explain how a change in one quantity results in a change in another. 1. Knows mathematical relationships in patterns (for example, Fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, .... 2. Analyzes and generalizes number patterns and states the rule for relationships (for example, 1, 4, 9, 16, ... the rule: +3, +5, +7, ... or "squares of the whole numbers"). (Function Tables , Function Tables 2 ) 3. Applies the appropriate rule to complete a table or a chart, such as: IN 1 2 3 9 OUT 1 4 9 ? (Function Tables , Function Tables 2 ) Benchmark MA.D.2.2.1: The student represents a given simple problem situation using diagrams, models, and symbolic expressions translated from verbal phrases, or verbal phrases translated from symbolic expressions, etc. 1. Solves problems involving simple equations or inequalities using diagrams or models, symbolic expressions, or written phrases. (Missing Factor , Missing Term , Missing Operator , Compare Expressions , Arithmetic Word Problems , Basic Word Problems 2 , Single Variable Inequalities , Algebraic Word Problems ) 2. Uses a variable to represent a given verbal expression (for example, 5 more than a number is n + 5). (Phrases to Algebraic Expressions ) 3. Translates equations into verbal and written problem situations. Benchmark MA.D.2.2.2: The student uses informal methods, such as physical models and graphs to solve real-world problems involving equations and inequalities. 1. Uses concrete or pictorial models and graphs (for example, drawings, number lines) to solve equations or inequalities. 2. Uses information from concrete or pictorial models or graphs to solve problems. Data Analysis and ProbabilityBenchmark MA.E.1.2.1: The student solves problems by generating, collecting, organizing, displaying, and analyzing data using histograms, bar graphs, circle graphs, line graphs, pictographs, and charts. 1. Knows which types of graphs are appropriate for different kinds of data (for example, bar graphs, line, or circle graphs). 2. Interprets and compares information from different types of graphs including graphs from content-area materials and periodicals. (Tally and Pictographs , Bar Graphs , Line Graphs ) 3. Chooses reasonable titles, labels, scales and intervals for organizing data on graphs. 4. Generates questions, collects responses, and displays data on a graph. 5. Interprets and completes circle graphs using common fractions or percents. 6. Analyzes and explains orally or in writing the implications of graphed data. Benchmark MA.E.1.2.2: The student determines range, mean, median, and mode from sets of data. 1. Uses a stem-and-leaf plot from a set of data to identify the range, median, mean, and mode. 2. Uses range and measures of central tendency in real-world situations. (Mean, Median, Mode ) Benchmark MA.E.1.2.3: The student analyzes real-world data to recognize patterns and relationships of the measures of central tendency using tables, charts, histograms, bar graphs, line graphs, pictographs, and circle graphs generated by appropriate technology, including calculators and computers. 1. Uses a calculator to determine the range and mean of a set of data. 2. Uses computer applications to examine and evaluate data. 3. Uses computer applications to construct labeled graphs. 4. Uses computer-generated spreadsheets to record and display real-world data. Benchmark MA.E.2.2.1: The student uses models, such as tree diagrams, to display possible outcomes and to predict events. 1. Determines the number of possible combinations of given items and displays them in an organized way. 2. Represents all possible outcomes for a simple probability situation or event using models such as organized lists, charts, or tree diagrams. 3. Calculates the probability of a particular event occurring from a set of all possible outcomes. (Probability ) Benchmark MA.E.2.2.2: The student predicts the likelihood of simple events occurring. 1. Identifies and records the possible outcomes of an experiment using concrete materials (for example, spinners, marbles, number cubes). 2. Explains and predicts which outcomes are most likely to occur and expresses the probabilities as fractions. (Probability ) 3. Conducts experiments to test predictions. Benchmark MA.E.3.2.1: The student designs experiments to answer class or personal questions, collects information, and interprets the results using statistics (range, mean, median, and mode) and pictographs, charts, bar graphs, circle graphs, and line graphs. 1. Designs a survey to collect data. 2. As a class project, discusses ways to choose a sample representative of a large group such as a sample representative of the entire school. 3. Creates an appropriate graph to display data, including titles, labels, scales, and intervals. 4. Interprets the results using statistics (range and measures of central tendency). Benchmark MA.E.3.2.2: The student uses statistical data about life situations to make predictions and justifies reasoning. 1. Uses statistical data to predict trends. 2. Applies statistical data to make generalizations. 3. Justifies and explains generalizations. Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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